Names Of Endangered Animals In Pakistan

Check out their details. Endangered species found in pakistan.

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List of endangered animals in india.

Names of endangered animals in pakistan. Although the safety of so many animals and birds is widely known there are still possibilities of many species becoming extinct very quickly. It s hard to believe that many of the world s best known animals are fighting for survival. Yep the national animal.

List of endangered animals with pictures and links to further information. For a complete list of endangered species in the middle east browse the middle east endangered species list. There are around 34 or so of vulnerable endangered species of wildlife living within pakistan of which four are associated with the country at the national level respectively namely.

Here is the list of endangered species in india with name and pictures. Therefore all endangered species of pakistan may not be listed here. Complete details on list of endangered animals in pakistan are here.

Animals are an important part in pakistan s ever so beautiful landscapes. None of the mammals is critically endangered according to the international union for the conservation of nature iucn. The endangered species which are mentioned above need conservation and the first threat to every species it from local people and destroying of there habitat and due to climate change and in pakistan some people focus on conservation like conservationist and the most people do not know about animals benefits so awareness of the people is the first activity do for the conservation of animals.

The wildlife of pakistan comprises a diverse flora and fauna in a wide range of habitats from sea level to high elevation areas in the mountains including 177 mammal and 660 bird species. This diverse composition of the country s fauna is associated with its location in the transitional zone between two major zoogeographical regions the palearctic and the oriental. Today there are fewer than 4 000 tigers left in the wild.

The fauna species is made up of 173 mammalians among other animals and birds. We have this mountain weasel it is also called with the name of pale weasel it lives and resides right in the high altitude areas. The markhor is the national animal of pakistan the indus river dolphin is the national aquatic marine mammal of pakistan the snow leopard is the national predator of pakistan and of course.

This list is made possible through a database keyword search filtering process which may not be 100 accurate. Sadly due to increase in pollution destruction of habitats and hunting enthusiasts these animals are are at risk of extinction. The markhor is to a great extent found in the northern zones.

It would be a tragedy if tigers disappeared from the wild altogether but it could happen in our lifetimes. Markhor is the most prominent type of goat family. Nine of the mammal species in pakistan are endangered while 14 are vulnerable and seven species are near threatened.

It is on the brink of extinction too. Capra falconeri markhor is the national creature of pakistan. These are some of the many endangered animals in pakistan.

Endangered species in pakistan markhor logical classification. Such endangered species in india desperately need to be protected. It is much true that in pakistan many of the animal species have become endangered one.

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